A downloadable game for Windows

Rollie Pollie is a marble based physics platform game done in UE4.

While the game itself was used for Kiwijam 2019, I have done more development as well as level design, and while the game is not finished, I have used it as a project submission. 

The game it self is simple. Get from the start to the second point as quickly as possible. Easter eggs are around as well as different pathways. Try as you might.

Features to add at a later date include the following:

  • Working Mulitplayer
  • Better UI and Menu 
  • Custom Character creator
  • MUSIC 

This is done by Aaron Ellacott

Thank you for playing 


v0.03 (1).zip 582 MB
Technical Report.pdf 1.9 MB

Install instructions

Download the file, 

Open ROlliePollieV2.exe and run (Note this will run windows defender, hit ignore and run anyways)

To exit the game Alt+F4 to leave the game

And please give any and all feedback

Thank you 

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